

When Snapdragons reach adulthood, they start growing in their plant traits. This means they will start to sprout "blooms." These blooms can turn into any type of plant from any biome. A snapdragon's first blooms always grow in common plant placement areas. If the owner wants uncommon, rare, or mystic plant locations, their snapdragon will wilt it's current foliage and regrow their blooms in the new plant placement area. (Rarity of plant placement is only changable via shop potion.) See the image for examples of different blooms, and what they could look like.

Blooms have different appearances for each rarity, but can be any color. They all start out small but can grow into any size plant. Some snapdragons come with blooms rather than plants, and others sometimes come without flowers. As the owner, you can turn these into any plant type you wish. Even ones that don't exist, since some aren't discovered yet. Just remember, if the snapdragon comes with common blooms, you must stay in the classification boundaries (see above.)

Plant Placement

• Common plant areas are labled green. This includes the majority of the head, neck, back, tail and leg tufts.

• Uncommon plant areas are labled dark blue. This includes the belly and back legs.

• Rare plant areas are labled cyan. This includes the shoulders and front legs. 

• Mystic plant areas are labeled black. This includes the muzzle and face.

As a snapdragon reaches higher rarities of plant placement, it may keep all previous locations if the owner wishes to mix them.

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