

Garnesia is the motherland and key center meeting grounds of Virtigo. The majority of the population lives on this iconic landmass. Most of the land here is grasslands, forests and rivers, but the southern lands is where more rocky and steep terrain is found. There are two mountains located here as well. These mountains are the highest points of Garnesia. The southern mountain is called Highpass. This is mostly because the mountain forms a path that winds up to a peak that overlooks the western land and the two water bridges near Mohre. These water bridges are thin strips of land that connect Permia and Kamia to Garnesia and makes it easy for travel between each. It is believed that the earliest snapdragons walked these bridges and blessed them with safe travel, as these strips are completely safe and have never been blocked or deemed impassable.


The most dangerous region of the world, Permia. It's name comes from the old tale of how one of the earliest clans faced this land and learned to be expert climbers. "Permia" means "permanent" in both memory and warning of the lives lost here in the earliest times. Here is where the fantastic climbing ability of snapdragons originated from. The land is steep and treacherous, mostly made out of stony terrain leading up to a deathly high mountain peak called "Dythera," the highest point of the world. This peak overlooks nearby Zakra, and further out, the Whisp Lands. Zakra is the main camp for Dythera travelers. The camp is southern of the mountain and safely nuzzled in a steep rock formation which makes up the mid-way path to the mountain peak. Further south is where the Wisp Lands lay. They are called this because of the strong winds that are carried in by the ocean. The lands are flat, which provides little shelter from the strong gusts.


A lush forested land, this is where the largest tree species are found. This magical place holds many secrets to explore, and is known to have enhanced plant growth in the area. Some plant species have grown twice the size, and sometimes even bigger. Along with an abundance of plant life, and abundance of animal life is found here as well. The infamous "Mother Oak" is located in the center of Kamia. This is the largest tree in Virtigo. Standing well over the surrounding land, it is easily spotted. The earliest snapdragons have blessed peace upon the Mother Oak, and deemed it a popular campsite. The large branches weave crevices and shelter from rain, which make it perfect for many Snapdragons to sleep. Not too much further south lays another smaller camp, Venas. This is where the path to the water bridge, that connects Permia to Kamia, ends.


The second largest landmass, Sylis, is perhaps the strangest and most plentiful land. Many lakes, rivers and underground reservoirs are found here. Because of it's mostly flat surface and nutrient soil, most of the world's plants are originated here, carried over oceans by other native species. This transfer of foliage variety proved to be useful for ideal snapdragon habitat, and shortly after, formed their current diets and herbal usage. One of the most important landmarks of Virtigo is located here. "The Caverns" were essential to finding the story of Snapdragons and provided the lore behind them. The caves that stretch deep underground are unworldly, and have many mysteries hidden behind each turn. Still a mystery, there is much more to explore here. Southern of The Cavers, we enter marsh lands where many rivers are found. Solle, the main marshland camp, is located here. Many mosses, fungi, and poisonous plants are originated here, but Solle is a safehaven for the Snapdragons who wander this far. Back to the northern part of Sylis, the land thins into another water bridge, which connects Osberia.


One of the most magical places to Virtigo. It's name originated from one of the earliest clans, who brought back tales of the skies and passed on the knowledge of the stars. A jagged mountain in the center, Sky Peak, is one of the world's most recognized landmarks. It seems to shoot straight into the sky, but there is a very narrow stone path leading up to the cliff. The top of this mountain, strangely, is flat and holds a pool that reflects the sky. Many tales of this sky pool revolve around the stars granting special powers to an individual in return for the treacherous climb. Another key landmark of Obseria are the Wing Bridges. They are called this because of the "winged" shape they give to the landmass. These bridges hold an abundance of water based or ocean plants. The travel is necessary for the collection of water herbs. South of Sky Peak holds an ocean-side camp called Civitelle. The waters it sits beside hold an abundance of coral reefs and colorful fish. The largest coral reef, though, resides across the water bridge connecting Sylis to Osberia, in the rounded gulf.


The meeting and trading lands. This is where snapdragons will come and meet for trade or gathering materials. The amount of sunlight here supplies increased growth to the land. The waters surrounding Alasia are mainly shallow and sandy, to copy the land's warm beaches. Because the water is so shallow, healthy Snapdragons can easily swim here from all places. Southern of the mid trading lands, Eldernest sits. This is another main camp, supplying shelter by trees to travelers. The camp is named "Eldernest" because of all the elders who come for the comfort and laid back lifestyle, with easy terrain and plentiful food. The elders who stay here are typically known to host trading events and social gatherings to share stories and share findings from trades.


The southernmost island of Virtigo, Namsia. This is the least inhabited land due to the harsh weather here. The northern parts of this place are warm and tropical, similar to Alasia and Obseria, but the southern parts are harshly cold and drop below -20 degrees frequently. This is because of the strong ocean winds constantly blowing over the land. The cold brings icebergs, frozen rivers and heaps of snow. In fact, the tiny island south of Namsia is a glacier with temperatures assumed to be far below survivable. Luckily, there are deep caves and overhanging cliffs made from dark stone to supply shelter and some warmth. Pine trees are one of the most common trees here because of their resistance to the cold. This has become a key survival tool for Snapdragons in this biome. In the southern indent of Namsia, a small snowy camp, surrounded by pine trees, sits in a cave complex above the ocean waters. It is not much of a camp because of how few snapdragons travel or reside here, but it is necessary for the ones who do. A worthwhile reason to travel is the beautiful sky lights that shine here every night, and is the soul reason for travelers to come this far.

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